LACRM for Gmail FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about LACRM for Gmail.


For the optimal experience, we recommend having only one Google account signed when using LACRM for Gmail.

If you are unable to install LACRM for Gmail, or it is not working as expected, try signing out of your other Google accounts, or try using an incognito/different browser. Google add-ons have had an issue with users being signed in to multiple accounts since 2017, and Google developers are actively working on fixing it. This issue does not affect everyone.

What is LACRM for Gmail?

LACRM for Gmail is a Gmail add-on available on the Google Workspace Marketplace. With it, you could use LACRM (Less Annoying CRM) directly in Gmail to seamlessly manage contacts, tasks, events, sales leads, and customer issues.

LACRM for Gmail has passed a thorough security audit verified by Google, ensuring LACRM for Gmail is 100% compliant with Google’s limited data use policy.

How to install LACRM for Gmail?

Just head over to the LACRM for Gmail Page on Google Workspace Marketplace. Hit the Install button and you are all set.

After installation, refresh your Gmail webpage, and you can find LACRM for Gmail in the sidebar.

Is it secure to use LACRM for Gmail?

Absolutely! Your privacy and data security are our top priorities. LACRM for Gmail strictly adheres to all required data protection regulations, guaranteeing the safety of your information.

The only information we collect is your email address, and only with your consent. This is to distinguish you from other users. We do not collect any other information about you. In addition, all network requests are encrypted.

Does LACRM for Gmail work on mobile devices?

Yes, LACRM for Gmail natively integrates with Gmail apps on Android and iOS.

How to use LACRM for Gmail on mobile?

LACRM for Gmail is integrated with the mobile Gmail app and can be accessed when viewing an email thread.

Just open an email thread in the Gmail app and scroll down to the bottom of the email. Here, you’ll see a list of available add-ons. The LACRM for Gmail icon will be among them. Tap the icon to start using LACRM for Gmail.

Written on March 28, 2024